[1]《微小的总和》, 伊丽莎白·科里德-霍尔基特,海南出版社
[2] Sweating It Out: Is Yoga Set to Boom in China?
[3] 深度 | Lululemon库存激增,值得担忧吗?时尚头条网
[4] lululemon打折越来越多了,精练GymSquare
[5] lululemon热度下滑,业绩增长或放缓,LADYMAX
[6] Chip Wilson, Lululemon Guru, Is Moving On, The New York Times
[8] 女性运动兴起,引爆轻运动市场,中泰证券
[9] The Story of lululemon
[10] Lululemon Looks to Get 40% of Sales From Men as Chain Expands,bloomberg
[11] How Under Armour Lost Its Edge,The New York Times
[12] 女子运动行业深度:以她之名,国海证券
[13] Under Armour Admits It’s Still Not Cool Enough, bloomberg
[14] ‘Maybe Nike is just too powerful’ — Cramer sees no reason to own Under Armour stock, CNBC